The best way to reach us by phone is during the opening hours of the sales service 9.00-16.30. In the evenings and weekends, we may be busy serving customers, which is why we don’t always have time to answer the phone. If your contact is not urgent or regarding today, we recommend contacting us by email
You can easily make a reservation for fewer than 5 people online. Reservations for more than four people, as well as other inquiries and messages, are best handled via email. The reserved time for dining is usually 2 hours, and for bigger grouls (over 5pers) 2.5 hours. Please also tell us about any special needs, so that we can prepare for your wishes in advance.
(Kauppiaskatu pavillion)
10.11. Isänpäivä 12–20.
5.12. Itsenäisyyspäivän aatto 11–23.
6.12. Itsenäisyyspäivä 12–19. Tarjolla a la carte lista.
16.12.–20.12. Agnesin joululounaat
22.–26.12. Ravintola on suljettu.
31.12. 14–23. Tarjolla a la carte lista.
1.1. Uudenvuodenpäivä kiinni
6.1. Loppiainen kiinni
Agnesissa on 4.1. alkaen tarjolla lounasta myös lauantaisin. Kurkkaa lounaslista ja tule herkuttelemaan!